
Utilities for Hexo.
$ npm install hexo-util --save
var util = require('hexo-util');
Caches contents piped to the stream.
var stream = new CacheStream();
stream.on('finish', function(){
camelCaseKeys(obj, options)
Convert object keys to camelCase. Original keys will be converted to getter/setter and sync to the camelCase keys.
foo_bar: 'test'
Escapes special characters in a regular expression.
Escapes diacritic characters in a string.
Escapes HTML entities in a string.
Generates SHA1 hash.
Generates SHA1 hash with a transform stream.
var stream = new HashStream();
.on('finish', function(){
highlight(str, [options])
Syntax highlighting for a code block.
Option | Description | Default |
gutter | Whether to show line numbers | true |
wrap | Whether to wrap the code block | true |
firstLine | First line number | 1 |
lang | Language | |
caption | Caption | |
tab | Replace tabs | |
autoDetect | Detect language automatically | false |
htmlTag(tag, attrs, text)
Creates a html tag.
htmlTag('img', {src: 'example.png'})
htmlTag('a', {href: 'http://hexo.io/'}, 'Hexo')
Parses the string and tests if the string matches the rule. rule
can be a string, a regular expression or a function.
var pattern = new Pattern('posts/:id');
var pattern = new Pattern('posts/*path');
Permalink(rule, [options])
Parses a permalink.
Option | Description |
segments | Customize the rule of a segment in the permalink |
var permalink = new Permalink(':year/:month/:day/:title', {
segments: {
year: /(\d{4})/,
month: /(\d{2})/,
day: /(\d{2})/
permalink.stringify({year: '2014', month: '01', day: '31', title: 'test'})
slugize(str, [options])
Transforms a string into a clean URL-friendly string.
Option | Description | Default |
separator | Separator | - |
transform | Transform the string into lower case (1 ) or upper case (2 ) | |
slugize('Hello World') = 'Hello-World'
slugize('Hellô Wòrld') = 'Hello-World'
slugize('Hello World', {separator: '_'}) = 'Hello_World'
slugize('Hello World', {transform: 1}) = 'hello-world'
slugize('Hello World', {transform: 2}) = 'HELLO-WORLD'
spawn(command, [args], [options])
Launches a new process with the given command
. This method returns a promise.
Option | Description | Default |
cwd | Current working directory of the child process | |
env | Environment key-value pairs | |
stdio | Child's stdio configuration | |
detached | The child will be a process group leader | |
uid | Sets the user identity of the process | |
gid | Sets the group identity of the process | |
verbose | Display messages on the console | false |
encoding | Sets the encoding of the output string | utf8 |
spawn('cat', 'test.txt').then(function(content){
Removes HTML tags in a string.
wordWrap(str, [options])
Wraps the string no longer than line width. This method breaks on the first whitespace character that does not exceed line width.
Option | Description | Default |
width | Line width | 80 |
wordWrap('Once upon a time')
wordWrap('Once upon a time, in a kingdom called Far Far Away, a king fell ill, and finding a successor to the throne turned out to be more trouble than anyone could have imagined...')
wordWrap('Once upon a time', {width: 8})
wordWrap('Once upon a time', {width: 1})
truncate(str, [options])
Truncates a given text after a given length
if text is longer than length
. The last characters will be replaced with the omission
option for a total length not exceeding length
Option | Description | Default |
length | Max length of the string | 30 |
omission | Omission text | ... |
separator | truncate text at a natural break | |
truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away')
truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away', {length: 17})
truncate('Once upon a time in a world far far away', {length: 17, separator: ' '})
truncate('And they found that many people were sleeping better.', {length: 25, omission: '... (continued)'})